A study of the procedures in relation to the contents of language and culture in three manuals of education of spanish as a foreign language (ELE).


  • Andrea Rosana Gazali Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


procedures, manuals, teaching Spanish like a foreign language (ELE)


The manuals are a textual class whose pedagogic impression crosses all the levels of invoice of itself. For their analysis and considering their characteristics of polyphony and multimodality, multilevel models of boarding are selected. In this case, the particular tactical procedures related to the form are developed in which the information in the manuals of Spanish like a foreign language (ELE) is organized. The objective is to observe how these procedures of textual linguistic can be compatible with the decisions that are related whereupon the texts boarded are didactic and, in this case, manuals of ELE. In the investigation it is worked with units selected of three manuals of ELE of different origin.


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How to Cite

Gazali, A. R. (2014). A study of the procedures in relation to the contents of language and culture in three manuals of education of spanish as a foreign language (ELE). Anales De Lingüística, (1), 47–77. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/analeslinguistica/article/view/6343


