Critical Reading and Academic Literacy at University
A Proposal from the Course Written Discourses, National University of Mar del Plata
higher education, ELT, reading comprehension, academic literacy, critical literacyAbstract
Despite being historically influenced by modern/colonial logics that tend to
depoliticize language and its teaching, the field of English language teaching has
been facing several challenges in recent years. In this sense, within the National
University of Mar del Plata, there have been attempts to foster practices that set
aside these matrices of thought in favor of approaches linked to critical and border
thinking This is the case with the course Discursos Escritos (Written Discourses)
which, despite focusing on the development of reading comprehension –one of
the four macro-skills– also encourages different ways of addressing the learning
and teaching of English. Given its placement in the first year of the English
Education Program, we recognize that this is a suitable space for including
practices that promote both academic literacy and the adoption of a critical stance
by students as future educators and rights holders in a public institution. In this
context, this article is an invitation to re-think academic reading practices at the
university from a critical perspective.
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