Criticisms Sung to the Current Spanish Democracy between the 20th and 21st Centuries
democracy, parrhesia, goliards, classical cynicism, representationAbstract
Democracy is the system that enjoys the greatest legitimacy. Since its
emergence in ancient Greece, it has survived to the present day, enjoying
validity especially in the West, although distorting many of its founding
premises, such as the subtraction of large levels of popular sovereignty
through political representation. This system, supported by the line of
thought established at the time by Plato and Aristotle, has not prevented the
emergence of rebellious and questioning attitudes, one of whose main
precursors would be Diogenes of Sinope. In the late Middle Ages, the goliards
would represent another example of a protesting attitude. The classical
cynics and the medieval goliards, among others, would deal with parrhesia,
that is, in the denunciation of certain impediments that are conventionally
accepted. In today's Spain we have some figures equivalent to those
medieval goliards who, with a certain libertarian background, sing lyrics that
contain denunciations and criticisms that call into question the system,
unlike certain intellectuals rooted in the status quo, who, although they
partially criticize some or other failures, arbitrariness, or abuses of said
system, ultimately advocate partial solutions that preserve it.
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