From the Boom to the "bolañomanía" in the Czech literary field: The creation and the transformation of the literary canon in the political context of the last decades of the 20thcentury


  • Daniel Nemrava Universidad Palacký de Olomouc (República Checa)


Literary reception, Czech culture, Latin-American literature


This article summarizes the penetration of the Czech cultural space by Latin-American literature. It points out the conditions in which the translations of the major works of the Latin-American Boom into Czech have taken place and surveys the changes of the reception of works during the last decades of the 20th century. The article also maps the direct contacts between Latin-American and Czech authors during the Cold War.


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How to Cite

Nemrava, D. (2018). From the Boom to the "bolañomanía" in the Czech literary field: The creation and the transformation of the literary canon in the political context of the last decades of the 20thcentury. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 19(1), 63–68. Retrieved from