The land of the jungle: the witch and the mesopotamian gothic in Mariana Enríquez's "Tela de araña"


  • Marcos Seifert Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina



Gothic regionalism, Horacio Quiroga, Ghost stories, Whitchraft


Mariana Enríquez´s short story "Tela de araña" included in Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego (2016) can be thought as a manifestation of "mesopotamian gothic" because it functions as a rewriting and a detour of the writing of the jungle and the space found in Horacio Quiroga's narrative. The purpose of this text is to explore not only the characteristics of this Gothic regionalism, but also the relevance of the figure of the witch or sorceress in which the meanings linked to the local legends and beliefs intersect and to motives or models that transcend national and regional boundaries. In "Tela de araña ", both the hostile environment of the jungle, as the stories of the apparitions with the figure of the witch acquire an anti-state and anti-patriarchal political sense. The crossroads between the local and the global must be read here enlightened by the concept of globalgothic (Botting and Edwards) since the search for generic resonance that arises from legends and popular stories functions as a specific and local expression of tropes and strategies that literary criticism has historically associated with gothic.


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21-06-2021 — Updated on 26-06-2021


How to Cite

Seifert, M. (2021). The land of the jungle: the witch and the mesopotamian gothic in Mariana Enríquez’s "Tela de araña". Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–21. (Original work published June 21, 2021)