Rhetoric of the body / genre rhetoric Displacing-naming-dwelling


  • Silvia N. Barei Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Rhetoric, Genre, Novels, Bodies


This article reflects upon the work of two Argentinean narrators, Sylvia Molloy and Elena Bossi, who in their last novels develop a microcosm where every character or every narrator knows something but decomposes the stories, fragments them, puts them outside the conventional law of the genre.
The contemporaneity of Desarticulaciones ("Dislocations", Molloy 2010) and Otro lugar ("Other place", Bossi 2008), allows thinking about them in what they have in common but also in their conflicts and their ways of placing bodies in familiar spaces. One of them centred in the unstable subjectivity of someone who is ill, and the other one in the "failures" of a family tradition, both register an area of social discourse that narrates vague rumours, personal stories, life fragments, and show their ability to work in mutations, displacements and interstices of genre.


Bossi, Elena. Otro lugar. Córdoba: Ed. Del Copista, 2008.
Molloy, Sylvia. Desarticulaciones. Buenos Aires: Eterna cadencia, 2010.
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De Certeau, Michel. La invención de lo cotidiano. México: Ed. Siglo XXI, 2008.
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Foucault, Michel. La voluntad de saber. México: Ed. Siglo XXI, 1985.
Hoffmeyer, Jesper. Biosemiotics: an Examination into the Signs of Life and the Life of Signs. Scranton and London: University of Scranton Press, 2008.
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Volpi, Jorge. Leer la mente. El cerebro y el arte de la ficción. México: Alfaguara, 2010.



How to Cite

Barei, S. N. (2013). Rhetoric of the body / genre rhetoric Displacing-naming-dwelling. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 14(2), 127–135. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/cilha/article/view/4061


