New cosmopolitanism projections. The influence of technology in contemporary Latin American literature


  • Mariela Herrero UNR - FONCyT


Cosmopolitanism, Latin American literature, Technologies, Globalization


Taking the notion of cosmopolitanism as a starting point, this paper intends to analyze a series of reconfigurations that the Latin American contemporary literature has come to experiment, in the last decades, in tune with the development of the technologies of the proximity (radio, cinema, television, video, web, among others). It is particularly interesting to think about contemporary literature in relation to the progressive advance of technologization and the subsequent process of globalization that has taken place, which leads us to posit in what way the exchanges and/or borrowings that occur can illustrate a cultural amalgam that regenerates itself constantly and fuels renewed forms of cosmopolitanism. It has been shown that terms such us stability, fixity, immobility, inaction can not be linked to Latin American reality anymore; but on the contrary, which is read is a tendency for fiction to try to legitimize itself by naming, copying, plagiarizing, parodying but also by absorbing, assimilating, eating the entire literary tradition (either European or Latin American). It is about observing a form of cosmopolitanism with a different function, which production model is no longer merely the universal literature as Borges understood it, but the appropriation and the use of the increasing audio-visual, media and technological culture that permeates the social and individual realities of the writers.


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How to Cite

Herrero, M. (2014). New cosmopolitanism projections. The influence of technology in contemporary Latin American literature. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 15(1), 11–25. Retrieved from


