Creole Painters, Casta Painting, and Internal Colonialism:

Racial Discourses in New Spain in the Late Viceregal Period


  • Laura Catelli Universidad Nacional de Rosario / CONICET


Casta painting, Creole agencies, Race, Mulatto, Mestizo


The aim of the present article is to analyze casta paintings from the end of the eighteenth century from the perspective of creole agencies in New Spain. José Antonio Mazzotti´s concept of creole agencies is used here to propose an analysis on three interelated levels, that is, the impact of the Bourbon Reforms on the creole sector, the founding of the first creole art academies in New Spain, and the development and deployment of a creole racial discouse as well as the construction of racial stereotypes in casta painting. The general objective of the analysis is to become a point of inflection for weighing the relevance of racial discourse in the internal colonial space and in the cultural imaginaries formed during the decades that immediately preceeded the creole independence movements.


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How to Cite

Catelli, L. . (2012). Creole Painters, Casta Painting, and Internal Colonialism: : Racial Discourses in New Spain in the Late Viceregal Period. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 13(2), 147–175. Retrieved from


