The travel narrative of José Maria Guzman for Near East (1837).

Between identity construction and pamphleteering


  • Assia Mohssine Université Blaise Pascal / CELIS


Travel narrative, Orient, Nineteenth century, Mexico, Revelation


Based on a sociocritic postulate which argues that the cultural object is a socio-historical production, I propose to examine the notion of revelation in a Mexican travelogue dating from the first half of the nineteenth century. Of marked spiritual line, the story belongs to Jose Maria Guzman (c1800-1873), a Franciscan friar which traveled to the East in 1835, after Rome had defended the cause of beatification of Father Antonio Margil de Jesus, founder of the Apostolic college. Here, we focus more specifically on the travel narrative in response to the way in which their structuring and latencies can infer semantic transcoding process the text. Endeavor to explain how "as the topic of travel disclosure" may collect various forms to give it a symbolic meaning to the trip, in obedience to ideological traces of the Mexico of the 1830 reactivated morphogenesis.


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How to Cite

Mohssine, A. (2012). The travel narrative of José Maria Guzman for Near East (1837).: Between identity construction and pamphleteering. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 13(1), 65–79. Retrieved from


