The Golden Age from a Atlantic consideration:

Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso.


  • Graciela Maturo Universidad del Salvador


Spain, America, Golden Age, Miguel de Cervantes, Inca Garcilaso


Currently it is developed a certain approach to Hispanic literature of the golden age that emphasizes the relation of "coevidad" and exchange between Spain and America. Within this framework it has been tried to relate: Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso. This study extend the approach of the Golden age to an Atlantic consideration, because while the encounter of dissimilar peoples and cultures marks from the beginning their differentiation, on the other hand it is undeniable that they have in many aspects a continuity which allows us to talk about transculturation, or mestizo identity. There is continuity and discontinuity between the Iberian peoples and their colonies across the Ocean: the languages, customs, literary genres, are the same and others in the imperial metropolis and in the West Indies.


Arellano, I (ed.). Las Indias (América) en la literatura del Siglo de Oro: homenaje a Jesús Cañedo. Kassel / Barcelona: Reichenberger, 1996

Correa-Díaz, Luis. Cervantes y América: Cervantes en las Américas. Kassel / Barcelona: Edition Reichenberger, 2006.

Marrero-Fente, Raúl. Al margen de la tradición. Relaciones entre la literatura colonial y peninsular. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1999.

Maturo, Graciela. El humanismo en la Argentina indiana y otros ensayos sobre la América colonial. Buenos Aires: Biblios, 201l,1.

Pinelo, Antonio de León. El epítome de Pinelo, primera Biografía del Nuevo Mundo. Edición de Agustín Millares Carlo. Washington: Organización de los Estados Americanos, 1958.

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How to Cite

Maturo, G. (2011). The Golden Age from a Atlantic consideration:: Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 12(2), 11–20. Retrieved from


