"The novel doesn’t-see-reality unless it is Rulfo who write".

Novel and humor in Latin America.


  • Claudio Maíz Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Humour, Ironic consciousness, Latin American Narrative


comical, humor and ironic consciousness belonging to orders heterogeneous but involved. What imbricates these notions, however, is the capacity to infringe the rules that make up the real, sensing so a different harmony. Humor has achieved, through the suspension of the "prevailing reality", to create other verbal worlds which dampen the hardness of the unjust reality, also has been a dominant factor in the revision of American history, since than through the use of parody, satire, the carnivalization has demystified the heroic pantheon of our history.


Berger, Peter. Risa redentora. La dimensión cómica de la experiencia humana. Barcelona: Editorial Kairós: 32.

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How to Cite

Maíz, C. (2011). "The novel doesn’t-see-reality unless it is Rulfo who write".: Novel and humor in Latin America. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 12(2), 29–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/cilha/article/view/4151


