"What youth thinks...". Initial and its conceptual intervention


  • María Carla Galfione Universidad Nacional de C´órdoba - Instituto de Humanidades - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas




Inicial review, Conceptual change, New time, New sensibility


We start from the recognition of the magazine Inicial as part and forceful expression of the cultural transformation that characterizes the twenties in Argentina. A change that can be considered from various perspectives, although all point to the radical novelty brought about by that invitation to think from a "new sensibility" and in a "new time". Within this framework, Inicial is read here paying special attention to the philosophical unfolding that from its pages allowed affirming that novelty. We go through the editorial notes and some of his articles, noticing how they affirm and intertwine the conceptual elements that allow to build the base on which the cut with the past can be affirmed. If at first sight a difference with other previous cultural expressions can be seen, what interests us here is to delve into the philosophical construction of that difference. In particular, we say, the novelty that is proclaimed can only be postulated and understood as such on the particular ground that implies a reconfiguration of temporality. And from there we also read some of its derivations or implications, so present in the imaginary of the time: the role of an intelligentsia, the close link established between what dies under the weight of this new time and some contemporary political ideas and expressions, the place that belongs to Latin America and its registration in the West and the demand that falls on the university and, with it, on the University Reform.


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21-06-2021 — Updated on 24-06-2021


How to Cite

Galfione, M. C. (2021). "What youth thinks.". Initial and its conceptual intervention. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–34. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.34.004 (Original work published June 21, 2021)