Vanegas Vásquez, O. K. (2020). Imaginarios políticos del miedo en la narrativa colombiana reciente. Editorial Universidad del Tolima.


  • Marcia Muriel Manino Universidad Nacional de Salta


Colombian narrative, Violence, Afraid, Political Imaginaries


Political Imaginaries of Fear in the Recent Colombian Narrative by Orfa Kelita Vanegas Vásquez (2020) proposes a corpus of XXI century novels that allow us to enter, from particular aesthetic modalities, an affective reality crossed by violence and fear in Colombia. The interest in the emotions that populate public life and the work of producing knowledge that deepens those emotions account for the rupture of the object of study of traditional Social Sciences due to the appearance of the “affective turn”.



How to Cite

Manino, M. M. (2021). Vanegas Vásquez, O. K. (2020). Imaginarios políticos del miedo en la narrativa colombiana reciente. Editorial Universidad del Tolima. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–3. Retrieved from