Performativity and Archive, based on Beatriz Catani’s Project Atlas (of) lost works




Performativity, Archive, Ghosts, Beatriz Catani, Aby Warburg


Performance and archive have defined two great fields of research in the arts throughout the 20th century. This article explores the distances and confluences between these two apparently opposite territories, taking as a starting point the Project Atlas (of) Lost Works, by argentine playwright and theater director Beatriz Catani (2021-). To this end, various foundational episodes in the history of archives and performance are put into dialogue, such as Aby Warburg's Atlas Mnemosyne and the analysis by Didi-Huberman, the photographs of Jackson Pollock inventing action painting or the Allan Kaprow's ideas anticipating the future of artistic practices.


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How to Cite

Cornago Bernal, Óscar . (2021). Performativity and Archive, based on Beatriz Catani’s Project Atlas (of) lost works. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (35), 1–36.