Luisa Valenzuela: tales that instruct to play villains




Valenzuela, Play, Language, Humor, Discursive techniques


The Argentine writer Luisa Valenzuela gathered in the book Juego de villanos a large number of her shorter stories. By selecting texts from books already published and adding some new ones, the book, published in 2008, allows those stories and micro-stories to be read in a new context. The result is a proposal that puts humor in the foreground and turns the game, present in the title of the book, on the way to approach these texts. Starting from the theory about the nature of the game as an essential component of our social being and its inescapable relationship with language, we propose an approach to the techniques used by the author to compose these various texts, see how she plays and how she invites the reader to participate or catch you without warning. Through the analysis of several of the micro-stories, a way is offered to get closer to the rest of the texts and to establish the link between play, humor and commitment with a pressing reality that marginalizes, represses and destroys and in which laughter becomes a transformer element.


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How to Cite

Arias Careaga, R. (2022). Luisa Valenzuela: tales that instruct to play villains. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (36), 1–31.