Disarming the Philiocentric Discourse.
Figures of Motherhood in Contemporary Latin American Narrative
Motherhood, Feminism, Neoliberal model, Diatribe, Contemporary Latin American short storyAbstract
In this article we aim to ponder on a discourse about motherhood that currently claims to become dominant, a discourse based on the concept of intensive motherhood (Hays) that results in the centrality granted to children at the expense of the intimate needs of their procreators and that represents the target of attack in Lina Meruane’s essay Contra los hijos (2014) written in the form of a diatribe. In the first part, we analyze the feminist theoretical assumptions of the Chilean writer’s essay and emphasize its coincidence with the criticisms against the neoliberal maternal model carried out by scholars such as Nancy Fraser (2013), Angela McRobbie and Catherine Rottenberg. In order to better understand its unexpected and deep connections with hatred, eros, pleasure and death, in the second part of this article we intend to put this philiocentric discourse in dialogue with some narrative proposals of contemporary Latin American literature inscribed in the stories “Como una buena madre” ”by Ana María Shua, “Los viejitos” by Patricia Suárez, “Lo que ha comenzado” by Alejandra Laurencich, “Pablito clavó un clavito: una evocación del Petiso Orejudo” and “El niño sucio” by Mariana Enríquez and also “Una historia de éxito” by Alberto Chimal.
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