Mythological bodies in the work of Yorlady Ruíz López




Vulnerable body, Erotic body, Wandering body, Corpo-politics


This article analyzes of Yorlady Ruiz’ work, a Colombian artist, who configures new aesthetic territories of the body, suggesting political, erotic and historical readings of the country through poetry and theatricality. The corpus studied in this text resemantize myths and legends where different corporealities are reconfigured through the Magdalenas por el Cauca project since 2008, the poetry collections Diarios Intimos (2012) and El silencio fue su reino (2021). Works that take up mythical figures to resignify the vulnerable, erotic and wandering body of Colombia, a corpo-aesthetic proposal that reveals the country's collective meanings from fragmentation.


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How to Cite

Sanchez, A. (2023). Mythological bodies in the work of Yorlady Ruíz López. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (38), 1–30.