Data Modeling for the Study of Networks in Cultural and Literary Magazines: A Case Study with Thirteen Colombian Publications




magazine networks, data modeling, Colombian magazines, network visualization, network analysis


This text aims to present some of the methods used to study Colombian cultural and literary magazines from the late 19th century to the first half of the 20th century. To do this, a brief description of a data capture and analysis model is provided, starting from the digitized and digitization-in-progress periodical archives within the framework of the project "Digitization and Analysis of Cultural Transfers in Colombian Literary Magazines (1892–1950)". Using the information collected in this model, an initial method is presented for abstracting the network of magazines in the corpus based on the published contributors and visualizing it as a way to observe the dynamics and cultural transfer processes facilitated by these periodicals. This method provides an alternative way to understand these objects of study, though it poses certain methodological challenges, such as data collection and cleaning, or the dispersion of the periodical archives.


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How to Cite

Penagos Jaramillo, D., & Vargas Castro, N. (2024). Data Modeling for the Study of Networks in Cultural and Literary Magazines: A Case Study with Thirteen Colombian Publications. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (40), 1–21.