Social representations that students that are about to graduate have from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Faculty of Dentistry (UNR) about the future professional field


  • Patricia Capria Universidad Nacional de Rosario


social representations, communicative act, university students, professional field


The current presentation comes from a final work of a thesis to acquire a Magister in University Education degree (UNR), which was investigated, from the voices of
the students that were about to graduate from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Dentistry, UNR, which were the social representations about their future professional field and the connection with the community. Based on the initial assumptions that guided the process of investigation, an interpretive paradigm was selected, qualitative, naturalistic and humanistic, a choice that allowed the construction of categories due to the prevalence of data resulting from the speech of 150 students close to graduation. Their analysis and interpretation, based on the contrasting of similarities and differences between the different groups, allowed us to understand the representations that they conceived throughout their academic training in relation to the future professional work. We began with a trace through curriculum designs and the history of the four majors. An
anonymous questionnaire was disposed and applied and, in order to enrich and /or clarify the information of such instrument, the semi-structured interview was
utilized, organizing focus groups in the form of workshops, in each academic unit.
Within the dynamic of representations in the speeches, identities, belonging and construction of a future professional field were expressed, expectations were
invoked, insecurities in relation to professional recognition-valuation, they projected their compromise in the social service oriented towards the search for a better quality of life with all that it implies. Likewise, they expressed the need for constant updating for the responsible and ethical exercise in addressing the human being as a bio-psycho-social unit. Thus, through the communicative act, we
attempted to interpret the internalization of values, norms, expectations, interests, ways of living and action, socially preformed, assumed uncritically and unconsciously in the professional training processes and in their exercise.




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How to Cite

Capria, P. (2021). Social representations that students that are about to graduate have from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and Faculty of Dentistry (UNR) about the future professional field. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(2), 157–188. Retrieved from