Collapsing the worktable lexic.

Writing practices and experiences of ESI


  • val flores Investigadora independiente


writing, CSE, erotic handcraft, misgovernment


Every piece of writing is a textual and sexual performance. As a space of erotic and pedagogical experimentation, not as a representation or instrument to communicate, writing is a somatic practice that striates the flesh of the words so the images blow up in its compositional multiplicity.
I am interested in sharing questions about the relation between writing practices and experiences of CPE thinking that the politics of sexual knowledge are disputes for words, ways of writing that are ways of thinking. To intervene in language practices is to affect the way in which power is organized. That's why, making the worktable lexic that crashes creative leak collapse is a queering gesture so writings of educators are not trapped by institutional formats of the foreseeable, calculable, stable, fixed and controllable.
To promote sexual and erotic creativity and maintain an open horizon of possibilities and desirabilities that amplifies and multiplies the imaginary available of the CPE, we have to break obligatory relations between words and identities, to rip sensible pacts of epistemological asepsis and scriptural hygenism.


Anzaldúa, G. (1988) La prieta. En C. Moraga y A. Castillo Esta puente, mi espalda. Voces de mujeres tercermundistas en los Estados Unidos. ISM PRESS.

flores, v. (2017). Interrupciones. Ensayos de poética activista. Escritura, política, pedagogía (2.a ed.). Asentamiento Fernseh.

flores, v. (2019). Una lengua cosida de relámpagos. Hekt.

flores, v. (2021) Romper el corazón del mundo. Modos fugitivos de hacer teoría. Continta Me Tienes. La libre.

flores, v. (2023) “Pasarle la lengua a la ESI ¿legados sexuales, legados de escritura?”. En M. A. Peláez, M. Incháurregui y M. Severino (Compl.). Escribir la ESI. Saberes, debates y desafíos desde experiencias docentes. (90-107) EDULP



How to Cite

flores, val. (2023). Collapsing the worktable lexic.: Writing practices and experiences of ESI. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 4(2), 91–100. Retrieved from