Intertwining the bridges of ESI in Teacher Education


  • Clelia Valdez Instituto de Educación Superior 9-027


Teacher education, Comprehensive sexuality education, pedagogical strategies, teaching practice, collaborative learning


Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) has been and continues to be one of the central axis in the debates on educational policies and in the practices related to the pedagogical task, in educational institutions of all levels and modalities.

The media, families and collectives of both teachers and students raise several questions and express demands in this regard. Despite the systematic expansion and recognition of rights in our national legislation, which has enriched and
expanded its contents, even in 2023, CSE continues to be one of the challenges of the educational agenda.

CSE constantly challenges our practices regarding teacher education and demands the construction of discourses and pedagogical strategies on sexuality, rooted in human rights, which ensure the possibility of accessing other rights in equality: to health, to information, to care for one's own body and to make informed and free
decisions about our sexual and reproductive rights.

This article tries to recover and re-signify a pedagogical experience in teacher education, specifically in the Professional Teaching Practice of Primary Education teachers. In this instance, the challenge raised by the articulated, transversed and integral implementation of CSE is shown with various subjects, rethinking other ways of building teaching and learning processes in relation to the education of future teachers at the primary level.

From this experience, the students begin to collectively think about a school-based way to approach CSE in elementary school.



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How to Cite

Valdez, C. (2023). Intertwining the bridges of ESI in Teacher Education. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 4(2), 73–90. Retrieved from