Male and female point of view on the escape of adelaide. A gender problem? Adelaide in the mathildis life of donizon and in the gesture ottonis imperatoris of rosvita


  • Alessandra Paola INFANTE GONZÁLEZ Universidad Católica de Valparaíso/ Università degli Studi La Sapienza


Adelaide, Dionize, Hrotsvitha, Otto I, Atto


This work analyzes the figure of Adelaide in the works "Vita Mathildis" of Donizo and "Gesta Ottonis imperatoris" of Hrotsvitha, in particular, the scene where she escapes of Berengar, that had imprisioned her after the death of her husband Lotar. Studying about the life and the historical context of the authors, the preface and the prologue that open the works and, posteriorly, the particular vision that both have abouth the story of Adelaide; we can look different points of view: On one side, Donizo makes Adelaide a passive actress of her story, taking the lead Canossa as the place of the story, together with the figure of Atto of Canossa, a character who only it’s present in his work. From another side, Hrotsvitha makes Adelaide the real protagonist of her story, able to survive and win thanks to the divine miracle.


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How to Cite

INFANTE GONZÁLEZ, A. P. . (2018). Male and female point of view on the escape of adelaide. A gender problem? Adelaide in the mathildis life of donizon and in the gesture ottonis imperatoris of rosvita. Revista De Historia Universal, (20), 37–60. Retrieved from



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