Sallust: Historiographic analysis of his works and their context


  • Sibila Beatriz Botti UCA


Homini novi, Crisis, Philosophy, Ancient Republic


This work will atempt to make a contribution in the analysis of the crisis of the Roman Republic in the first century BC, through the study of the writer Gaius Sallustius  Crispus (86 - 35 B.C.) In order to the analysis, it will be used his writings (History of the) "Conjuration of Catilina" and (History of) "War of Jugurtha" and the analyzes of their works that realized diverse historians.With the investigation and subsequent interpretation, an inference will be sought, addressing the writer as much for his political positioning as for his personal action, even aspiring to elucidate the philosophical mind that influenced him and with which he identified himself. His contributions will be analyzed as some possible solution for the conflict that is seem in his time, as it is the final crisis of the Roman Republic.



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How to Cite

Botti, S. B. (2020). Sallust: Historiographic analysis of his works and their context. Revista De Historia Universal, (22), 39–51. Retrieved from



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