The limit between the past and the present in the history
History, past -present- future, intra temporality, events or historical events, pandemicAbstract
This present time, this “now from the present time” introduces a new concern to the historian. But this reflection that we are or have started a new historical time has its risks and also its limitations. The thesis that grounds to this contribution is that History does not look for facts, History states senses through a fabric that weaves past, present and future where the present is the pivot that articulates temporality. We start from the temporality of Martin Heidegger, taken by Paul Ricoeur, to concentrate in a level of “intra temporality” from “the time of preoccupation” and, from there, think about the possibility of fixing our attention on those “events”, unforeseen events that are imposed as exceptional, of breaking and that anticipate its character of historical. It is History that should determine “how to articulate” present and past, how to “differentiate” and establish the “limit”. Can it be, an event like the pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19) the one that establishes that limit or cut between the past and the present?
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