The mystical meaning of the hebrew alphabet according to Jerome of Stridon


  • Mariana Calderón de Puelles Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


Aleph bet, Psalm 118, Jerome of Stridon


This article is the result of a research prompted by the reading of Jerome’s Letter 30 to Paula, in which the first one explains to the matron the mystical sense of the alphabet. This work aims at analyzing Jerome’s interpretation of the alphabet so as to expound the possible origin of Hermeneutics, its exegetical trascendence, and compare it with the later kabbalistic interpretation. Certain convenient distinctions are made as a starting point: the origin and nature of the aleph-bet,  his trascendence in Biblical literature and in the judeo Christian tradition, in order to understand the succint interpretation by Jerome. Regarding the latter, some sources have been propose  which the Saint may have known. Finally, there is an analysis of the later interpretation the Jewish Kabbalah made of the aleph bet, under the view of one of its specialists.


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How to Cite

Calderón de Puelles, M. (2023). The mystical meaning of the hebrew alphabet according to Jerome of Stridon. Revista De Historia Universal, (27), 45–72. Retrieved from



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