Constructive and destructive elements in western history


  • Gianfranco Solari Sánchez Universidad Católica San Pablo. Maestría en Humanidades


constructive elements, destructive elements, western history, christianity, french revolution


By analyzing western history, one can identify constructive and destructive elements that have influenced the sense of human being. This work examines how, on one hand, tradition, Christianity, virtue, contemplation, and the notion of natural law contributed to the formation of an integral thought. On the other hand, nominalism, scientism, empiricism, the Enlightenment, the french revolutionary movement, liberalism, and utilitarianism promoted the disintegration of the person. Using a qualitative method and reviewing books, journal articles, and a classic text, the dynamics between the mentioned elements are interpreted. Finally, it is concluded that, thanks to the contributions of classical and christian traditions, man built a sense of unity; while from the ideologies that emerged from the XIV century onwards, the triumph of rebellion, the idolatry of reason, and the abandonment of the human-divine dyad emerged. Despite this, this study argues that decomposition is not irreversible as it coexists with a longing and tension towards integrity and transcendence, as seen in the counterrevolutionary movements of the XVIII century.


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How to Cite

Solari Sánchez, G. (2024). Constructive and destructive elements in western history. Revista De Historia Universal, (30), 36–67. Retrieved from



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