Internship written records: management of material culture and knowledge in the classroom
records, literature, material culture, knowledgeAbstract
The present work focuses on the relevance of writing as a (genuine) device enabling a student teacher and her mentor to develop an epistemic look on her literature lessons in the context of the Chair of Didactics of Language and Literature II to obtain her Bachelor of Arts in Literature degree issued by the National University of La Plata.
Based upon an analysis of the records of her internship through ethnographic studies, we –in consultation with her mentor– will focus on building an epistemic look at her training by concentrating on the emerging dimensions to analyze from a class of sixth years of a secondary school of Los Hornos, city of La Plata. The discussion on the relationship between the students and the "material culture" (Hernando. A. 2012) allowed the intern to "make some space" (Meirieu. P. 2009) in the classroom while making a disruptive didactic intervention in the "stability" (Jackson, P. 1992) which could be observed there. This recreation of the physical and subjective spaces, resulting from the intentional rearrangement of the furniture and the act of inviting the students to "approach" one another, enabled another kind of affective nexus (Egan, K. 2007) among them, between the intern and them, and –simultaneously– between them and the knowledge (Charlot, B. 2008) which the intern intended to teach.
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