Interstices of experiences with pedagogical narratives and images in contexts of conflict: the fury in the words


  • María Susana Felli Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Teacher Narratives, Conflict, Critical Photography, Ways of Seeing, Ways of saying


Since 2013, we have been developing in the FPyCS, UNLP, a line of work within the Pedagogical Narratives Program of the Teaching Staff in Social Communication. Like any program, the training, extension and research that constitute its main axes are outlined in it. Training courses with scores for teachers of all levels and modalities in the city of La Plata and its surroundings have been continuously offered. In 2017, the courses were taken "to the territory" in cities near La Plata: Magdalena and Berisso. Very synthetically, our experience has been an "explosion of teaching narratives", a fundamental reason for teachers to approach the university and vice versa. Their experiences are the reason to reflect on praxis, from an education perspective as an ethical-political act.

This article becomes articulations between the emerging problems in these encounters, with various theoretical / methodological frameworks related to the images. We propose the analysis of a photograph, part of a larger sample, that emerged from the slogans. This analysis gives rise to thinking about education in conflict situations, in particular the conflict between government / media and teachers in Buenos Aires Province.


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Author Biography

María Susana Felli, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social- Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Programa Narrativas Pedagógicas- Profesorado en Comunicación Social


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How to Cite

Felli, M. S. (2020). Interstices of experiences with pedagogical narratives and images in contexts of conflict: the fury in the words. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 5(2), 1–12. Retrieved from