Philosophy and Poetry: an insterstice to (re)think the notion of ‘subject’.
philosophy, poetry, workshops, critical thinking, teaching practiceAbstract
The proposal of this narrative is, on one hand, to expose a possible way of the experience of giving philosophy workshops outside the academic place and, on the other hand, to bring the particular experience of the Philosophy and Poetry workshop, through considerations around to approach the notion of 'subject'.
This workshop arises from the need to build a place for experimentation around a subjectivity that appears in/through the act of writing, to which it is summoned to give a possible answer to the research for a suitable habitat to think about the 'subject', having to ask ourselves, inevitably, who is the one we are talking about and even more who is 'I'. Using productions by Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldúa, val flores, among others, we intend, also to contextualizing the ways of our doing in their shared character, to provide materials to think about ourselves and about a possible link between Philosophy and Poetry as a trigger for another ways of thinking, of a poetic thinking.
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