Conversed Memorabilia: Stories Consented with Intimacy in Research


  • María Victoria Crego Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Teaching, Education, Narrative, Memorable teachers


In this article I am about to recover the experience of investigating the life of six memorable teachers of the Secondary School Nº19 of the city of Mar del Plata, giving an account of the sensory turn that the investigation gave by thematizing the intimacy of who narrates. Identifying the plots that intervene in the composition of the memorability in the biographies of the memorable teachers, was not a directive process, from above and a priori, but rather, on the contrary, it implied an intimate relationship of valorization between the narrator and the teachers of our practices. teachers. In whose future I was able to recognize the implications of my own school and professional biography, training my voice as a researcher my voice as a teacher and singer slipped in, the latter in analogy with the musical language made possible consented stories with the privacy of this research.


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Author Biography

María Victoria Crego, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Doctora en Educación y Profesora en Comunicación Social. Profesora en escuelas públicas secundarias y miembro del Grupo de Extensión Pedagogía, Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.


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How to Cite

Crego, M. V. (2023). Conversed Memorabilia: Stories Consented with Intimacy in Research. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 7(2), 1–12.