Philosophical agoras in the forty years of democracy

A philosophical and pedagogical experience




Democracy, agoras, deliberation, philosophize, meeting


The year 2023 in Argentina, marked by 40 years of democracy, coincided with elections and an increased demand for political information. This context generated an unusual level of political discussion where reflections on the past, present, and future. In a notable era of change driven by technological advances, radical shifts in political and democratic culture have been observed. In this scenario, philosophy as a discipline finds an opportune stage and the necessity to engage in dialogue with society. The philosophical-pedagogical experience, Agoras bonaerenses, emerges as a historic milestone by fostering philosophical meeting among students of philosophy and political science. These meeting aim to transcend the classrooms and create spaces for philosophical reflection on democracy in the 21st century, addressing the challenges posed by technology and social networks. Justifying its existence, philosophy must extend beyond specialization and open itself to society, contributing arguments and proposals to comprehend and transform the democratic reality. The Agoras bonaerenses experience emphasizes the significance of philosophy as a horizontal and political dialogue of words in a context marked by technology, urging a reevaluation of democracy and citizenship.


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How to Cite

Busdygan, D. (2024). Philosophical agoras in the forty years of democracy: A philosophical and pedagogical experience. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 9(1), 1–9.