Poietics of Language and Epistemic Democracy in Sudamerican Poetic Practices of Writing


  • Isidora Vicencio Andaur Universidad Austral de Chile




Poietics of language, Epistemic Democracy, Affective matrix, Poetic practices, Right to philosophy


Certain kind of sudamerican poetic thinking reveal that poetic practices can be carried out by anyone without technique, which for us shows a democratic power. Firstly, we will distinguish poetic practices from artistic practices through an affective ethical element to describe said process of sign assembly according to our poietic model of what is given to feel that links the concepts of ethos and poiesis in a hospitable ethological composition activity, that would respond to the law of the spinozian conatus, generating what we call the affective matrix, where the affective capacity of the poietic activity of language applied in its maintenance reveals its potential for epistemic configuration and ways of living. We will show that it is possible to find examples that fit this model in chilean poetics and we will show three examples of latinamerican poetic writing practices that problematize meanings in their sensitive and significant duality, exceeding philosophical language. Which will allow us to show what we want to announce with the concept of epistemic democracy. Finally, based on the problem of the privilege of philosophical language that Jacques Derrida exposes in the text Privilege or the Right to Philosophy (2023), we want to show the possibility of this practice of language as an activity of thought that is directed to and exceeds philosophy.


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How to Cite

Vicencio Andaur, I. (2025). Poietics of Language and Epistemic Democracy in Sudamerican Poetic Practices of Writing. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 9(2), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.36.131