¿Quiénes tienen derecho a la filosofía?
Aportes para un abordaje interseccional de las prácticas filosóficas
Teaching Philosophy, Intersectionality, Philosophical Practices, Subject of Philosophy, Right to PhilosophyAbstract
This article proposes to investigate the problematic of the subject of the right to philosophy, as presented and developed by Derrida (2023). To this end, a situated and intersectional approach is proposed, which allows us to review the problem from a point of view that can contribute to the materialisation of this right in the area of education. To this end, two particular situations are analysed: on the one hand, the reforms of the curriculum of CABA's tertiary teacher training courses, and on the other, the inclusion of philosophy as a strategic area in the Manuel Belgrano scholarships. On the basis of these cases, some conceptual derivations are proposed that allow us to think about philosophical practices and theories in a different way. These approaches are linked above all to the recipients of philosophical thought and the subjectivations that unfold around it. These considerations are fundamental for the necessary transformation of philosophical praxis, in order to materialise and guarantee the right to philosophy, especially for groups that have been historically expelled and segregated from this possibility.
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