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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Information for authors

Papers must be original and unpublished. Authors may submit essays, articles, research advances and narratives of experiences for the Dossier and Articles sections. These, including book reviews and publication previews, must be submitted on the platform in Word format, without any indication to identify the identity of the author(s). Papers will be accepted in Spanish, Portuguese and English.


All papers must include:

  -Title of the paper in Spanish and English and in Portuguese if it is the language of the paper.

  - Abstract of the paper with a length of 200 words in Spanish and English and in Portuguese if it is the language of the paper.

  - Keywords (five) and their corresponding translation. If possible, consult

*In the case of book reviews, a high quality image of the book cover and all its bibliographic information is required.


Dossier and Articles Sections

Advances of Research

There must be a minimum length of 5000 words and maximum length of 8000 words, including abstract, keywords, notes, and bibliography There must be an account of processes related to problem construction, research questions, conjetures, state of the art, theoretical-epistemological frameworks, methodological decisions, and results and/or stages achieved.

Scientific Papers

There must be a minimum length of 5000 words and a maximum length of 8000 words, including abstract, keywords, notes and bibliography. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to admit exceptins in terms of the length of the work. These will be works of a disciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary nature that develop and argue about topics/problems related to philosophy and education.


There must be a minimum length of 5000 words and a maximum length of 8000 words, including abstract, keywords, notes and bibliography. It is the result of an interpretative, analytical, diagnostic, propositional, or comprehensive elaboration on a specific problem related to the field of Philosophy and Education.

Narratives of Experiences

There must be a minimum length of 2000 words and a maximum length of 6000 words, including abstract, keywords, notes and bibliography. It consists on the presentation of an experience (pedagogical, extension, linkage, methodological, socio-community, academic, etc.) relevant to educational, scientific, social, and political practice.

Book Comments / Publication Advances Section

There must be a maximum length of 3000 words. The book data must be complete, including the following information: title, Authors, City Editorial Year ISBN if it has it, and an image of the book cover in JPG format that must be included as a complementary file at the moment of uploading the document to the platform.

IMPORTANT: At the time of uploading complementary files, a document with the following elements must be uploaded:

  1. Personal data of author(s) (including email, contact telephone, mailing address and ID).
  2. Academic institutional affiliation (University, Research Institute, department, etc.) City. Country.
  3. Abbreviated CV (maximum length 200 words). This should be elaborated in an annotated manner including the following data: names and surnames, undergraduate degree, postgraduate training, area of research, current activity, latest publications (with references).
  4. Title of the work in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  5. Failure to comply with the formal aspects and rules of the Journal will result in the rejection of the submission and the double-blind review process will not be initiated.


Esta sección reunirá trabajos originales e inéditos sobre un tópico propuesto por el equipo editorial para cada volumen. Dicho tópico será anunciado con anticipación.  


Esta sección reunirá trabajos originales e inéditos de temática libre enmarcados dentro del enfoque y alcance de Saberes y Prácticas. 

Comentarios de libros / Anticipo de publicación

Esta sección incorpora reseñas bibliográficas, consideraciones sobre libros cuya fecha de publicación no exceda los cinco años o sobre hallazgos bibliográficos inéditos, fragmentos de libros (de autor, de co-autoría o compilaciones) y tesis de posgrado como anticipo de publicación.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella.