Pedagogical strengthening experience for professionals


  • Melisa Flores Magni Instituto de Educación Superior 9-002.
  • María Cecilia Almonacid Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


trajectories, teaching practice, education, reflection, teaching


This work has the objective of sharing the experience of teachers of the Professional Teaching Practices of the INFD Program "Pedagogical Strengthening Paths" and its impact on continuous education. This program was carried out in Mendoza at the Higher Institute of Teaching Education between the years 2018 and 2021. Firstly, we will carry out a brief presentation of the Journey in its general aspects of the curriculum and national proposal. Then we will focus on the organization, specifically the subject regarding organization, timing, teaching strategies and planning. Besides, we are also going to highlight the importance of strategies that were fundamental in our classes, such as teacher reflection, scholar autobiography, simulated classes, observation, feedback, among others. The voices of the students themselves are also mentioned as they give identity and value to the proposal and are taken from the Reflective Notebooks, a strategy used in three teaching practices. Finally, we want to emphasize that this experience has been very satisfactory for the students since they have been able to understand the reason for many of their teaching actions, incorporating new didactic tools like authentic tasks but above all develop the capacity for continuous reflection.


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Resol. 301/161 302/16, 303/16 CFE, disponible en:



How to Cite

Flores Magni, M. ., & Almonacid, M. C. (2022). Pedagogical strengthening experience for professionals. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 3(1), 59–77. Retrieved from


