Navigating the detour: ESI in university teacher training in Letters


  • Valeria Sardi Universidad Nacional de La Plata


CSE, Teacher education, language arts, feminist pedagogies


The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of an experience of university teacher education in Language and Literature at a public university located in the province of Buenos Aires, specifically in the chair of Didactics of Language and Literature II, where teachers in education carry out their teaching practices. We are interested in focusing on how the implementation of CSE in university teacher education implies going through an experience of deviation, uncertainty and rupture with what is known. That is to say, how the proposal to think about
teacher education in Language Arts from a transversal point of view of the gender
perspective and how the CSE breaks with the instituted ways of teaching and learning and, at the same time, brings to the university scene the exploration of self-involvement, vulnerability, uncertainty and the construction of a learning

In this sense, this paper intends to analyze this formative experience that, although it is developed in a core subject of the syllabus of the Language Arts Teacher Education Course, it proposes to transit the edges and detours of
academic life from the contributions of intersectional feminist pedagogies that bet
on a transgressive and committed pedagogy that challenges both the teachers in education and their educators.

Hence, this paper will explore the formative experience of CSE as a pedagogical and epistemic policy from the analysis of field notes and self-records of the educator's teaching practice, to account for the tensions, dialogues and critical
incidents that occur during the course of this subject and that show other ways of inhabiting the university classrooms. 

Author Biography

Valeria Sardi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Profesora y Doctora en Letras (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina). En la misma universidad, se desempeña como Profesora Adjunta Ordinaria a cargo de la Cátedra Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura II y Prácticas de la enseñanza en el Profesorado en Letras. Es investigadora formada en el Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Género (IDiHCS-FAHCE-UNLP). Su útlimo libro -en coautoría- se titula Lenguaje inclusivo y ESI en las aulas (2021).  


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How to Cite

Sardi, V. (2023). Navigating the detour: ESI in university teacher training in Letters. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 4(2), 55–71. Retrieved from