L2 intelligibility and comprehensibility: trying out new measurements with AEPI



Intelligibility, comprehensibility, AEPI (Application), oral repetition task, time measurement


This paper presents and discusses new means of testing and measuring the constructs of ‘intelligibility’ and ‘comprehensibility’. Firstly, we present a short agenda of works which contributed with both theoretical and empirical insights on intelligibility and comprehensibility (Munro & Derwing 1995; Munro & Derwing 2001; Derwing & Munro 2015; Munro & Derwing 2015; Nagle, Trofimovich & Bergeron 2019; Albuquerque 2019). Afterwards, the AEPI application (developed by Bondaruk, Albuquerque and Alves 2018) is presented. AEPI is an open source tool that not only allows for a more traditional measuring (transcription task) but also introduces new variables to the studies on intelligibility and comprehensibility by providing an oral repetition task and response time measurements. Finally, AEPI’s use and contributions to some research studies are posed and discussed (Alves, Albuquerque & Brisolara 2019; Salves, Wanglon & Alves 2020; Albuquerque & Alves 2020).


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How to Cite

Kickhöfel Alves, U., de Albuquerque, J. I. A., & Decher Bondaruk, P. (2021). L2 intelligibility and comprehensibility: trying out new measurements with AEPI. Anales De Lingüística, (5), 21–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/analeslinguistica/article/view/4587