The Enigma of Rimbaud and the Poet as an Absent Image in Two Stories from Roberto Bolaño's Putas Asesinas


  • Enrique Schmukler Universidad Católica Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Bolaño, authoriality, Rimbaud, Putas asesinas


This article addresses a relevant theme in the work of the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño: the presence of the poet Arthur Rimbaud as a main subject of his fiction. The starting point is one of the most studied themes in the work of the poet from Charleville, the "silence of Rimbaud", that is, the moment when the poet "s'en va", abandons poetry and activates the mystery that will surround his figure for posterity. Our purpose is to look at the functioning of this theme in two of Bolaño's short stories, "Últimos atardeceres en la Tierra!" and "Fotos," from the book Putas asesinas, with the aim of thinking about Bolaño's own auctorial conception and the link between author and image in these texts.

Author Biography

Enrique Schmukler, Universidad Católica Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Enrique Schmukler es Doctor en Letras por la Universidad de París 8, Francia. Se desempeña como Profesor Titular de la cátedra de “Historia del Arte” de las carreras de Letras y de Historia de la Universidad Católica Argentina y como Profesor Adjunto en la cátedra “Arte, vanguardia e industrias culturales” de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Se especializa en el estudio del concepto de autor y las figuraciones autoriales en un corpus amplio de autores la literatura contemporánea de América Latina (Aira, Bellatin, Bolaño, Pitol, Levrero, Couve, Piglia, Machado de Assis, entre otros).


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How to Cite

Schmukler, E. (2022). The Enigma of Rimbaud and the Poet as an Absent Image in Two Stories from Roberto Bolaño’s Putas Asesinas. Boletín De Literatura Comparada, 2(47), 113–132.


