"I go, and you will wait till I return".Wandering Jew in Manuel Mujica Lainez ́s narrative


  • Diego E. Niemetz Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, CONICET


Manuel Mujiva Lainez, Stereotypes, Wandering Jew


This article aims to considers the apparitions of the Wandering Jew in Manuel Mujica Lainez Ìs literary work. Firstly, it is necessary to consider the important role of the legend in the dissemination of anti-Semitic ideas over several centuries in Europe. Subsequently, we consider briefly the appearance of Jewish characters, stigmatized by using the characteristics spread through the legend, in Argentine literature. Finally, it is analyzed how the ideology that nourishes the reified representations from a character like the Wandering Jew, is manifested in the work of an author whose formation belongs both to the field of Catholic national ism and to the liberal sector. The study of the three cases, in which the writer appeals to the legend, aims to consider in what way and up to what point the representation of the Jewish collective is the product of naturalizing a social construction.


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How to Cite

Niemetz, D. E. (2019). "I go, and you will wait till I return".Wandering Jew in Manuel Mujica Lainez ́s narrative. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 20(1), 99–123. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/cilha/article/view/1555