Hildegard Rosentha ldiscovers Brazilian Modernity


  • David Foster Arizona State University


Rosenthal, Hildegard, São Paulo in photography, Modernity (Brazil) Photography


Hildegard Rosenthal (1913-1990) undertook the first systematic photographic project on São Paulo at the end of the 1930s /beginning of the 1940s. She exemplifies an extensive group of photographers of European origin (in large part, Jews) who "discovered" the city of São Paulo, especially during the apex of the project of modernity that  was taking roots in that urban area. This essay examines some of the parameters of Rosenthal’s work that has had so much resonance in the history of Brazilian photography.

Author Biography

David Foster, Arizona State University

David William Foster (Ph.D., University of Washington, 1964 [BA, 1961; MA, 1963 University of Washington]) Regents' Professor of Spanish, Humanities, and Women's Studies at Arizona State University. He served as Chair of the Department of Languages and Literatures from 1997-2001. In Spring 2009, he served as the Ednagene and Jordan Davidson Eminent Scholar in the Humanities at Florida International University. His research inter¬ests focus on urban culture in Latin America, with emphasis on issues of gender construction and sexual identity, as well as Jewish culture. He has written extensively on Argentine narrative and theater, and he has held Fulbright teaching appointments in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. He has also served as an Inter-American Development Bank Professor in Chile. McFarland Publishing brought out Urban Photography in Argentina in 2007. São Paulo: Perspectives on the City and Cultural Production was published in 2011 by the University Press of Florida. Latin American Documentary Filmmaking: Major Texts (University of Arizona Press) and Glimpses of Phoenix: The Desert Metropolis in Written and Visual Media (McFarland Publishing) both come out in 2013. In June-July 2013, as in June 2013, Foster directed a program in São Paulo on Urban Brazilian Narrative as part of the National Endowmnent for the Humanities Summer Seminars for College and University Teachers.


Beal, Sophia. Brazil under Construction: Fiction and Public Works. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Camargo, Mônica Junqueira de y Ricardo Mendes. Fotografia: cultura e fotografía paulistana no século XX. São Paulo: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, 1992.

Dean, Warren. The Industrialization of São Paulo 1880-1945. Austin: Univesity of Texas Press, 1969.

Foster, David William. "Cultural Re-Visions of the Brazilian Troupe, Dzi Croquettes." Karpa 6 (2013). http://web.calstatela.edu/misc/karpa/Karpa6.2/ Site%20Folder/foster1.html) Consultado: 12/6/2018.

Foster, David William. São Paulo: Perspectives on the City and Cultural Production. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2011.

Lévi-Strauss. Saudades de São Paulo. São Paulo: Instituto Moreira Salles, 1996.

Oliveira, Maria Luiza Ferreira de. "Apresentação." Hildegard Rosenthal, Metrópole. São Paulo: Instituto Moreira Salles, 2010: 7-27.

Rago, Margareth. Os prazeres da noite: prostitução e códigos da sexualidade feminine

em São Paulo (1890-1930). Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1991.

Rosenthal, Hildegard. Cenas urbanas. São Paulo: Instituto Moreira Salles, 1999.

Rosenthal, Hildegard, Metrópole. Org. Maria Luiza Ferreira de Oliveira. São Paulo: Instituto Moreira Salles, 2010.

Toledo, Benedito Lima de. "Um olhar encantado pelos tipos humanos." Hildegard Rosenthal, Cenas urbanas. São Paulo: Instituto Moreira Salles, 1999: 8-13.



How to Cite

Foster, D. (2019). Hildegard Rosentha ldiscovers Brazilian Modernity. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 20(1), 17–31. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/cilha/article/view/1912