A reflection on the technological paradigm and its relationship with modes of narrative production: franchises and the Final Fantasy VII case


  • Gabriel Romero Universidad Nacional de Cuyo




Franchise, Narratives, Videogames


Based on the analysis of the development of the video game Final Fantasy VII (1997), the following paper reflects on the relationship between technological paradigm and modes of narrative production, today. Based on Manuel Castells' analysis of informationalism as the dominant technological paradigm, we propose that franchises, whose main characteristics are reproduction and redundancy, are imposed as one of the modes of production of narratives today because they are the most effective forms in the face of the concentration of wealth, the ultimate goal of the capitalist economic system.


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How to Cite

Romero, G. (2021). A reflection on the technological paradigm and its relationship with modes of narrative production: franchises and the Final Fantasy VII case. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (35), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.34.022