Culture refuge during authoritarian context of the last military argentina dictatorship. Goethe Institut in Córdoba


  • María Verónica Basile CONICET - IDH – CIFFyH Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Prácticas artísticas, Dictadura, Institutos extranjeros, Políticas culturales, Artistic Practices, Dictatorship, Foreign institutes, Cultural policies, Práticas artísticas, Ditadura, Institutos estrangeiros, Políticas culturais.


Foreign cultural institutes are recognized for their insertion in the cultural and social life of a country by the teaching of the language. However, they are also often distinguished by their support and dissemination of arts. In these lines, it is analyzed their role under an authoritarian and repressive context during last dictatorship in Argentina. From an approach that privileges the contributions of cultural history - we refer to the Goethe Institut in the city of Córdoba, considered for many a refuge of culture in that restrictive context but also a space for artistic creation and production.


Balangero, N. & Burba, L (2012): Aníbal Buede. Colección 1.330.022, etcétera / artistas contemporáneos de Córdoba, Córdoba: Ediciones Casa13.

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Fuentes documentales y hemerográficas

Argentina – Alemania. Un recorrido a lo largo de 150 años de relaciones bilaterales, Embajada de la República Federal de Alemania, 2007.

Folleto que acompaña la exposición "Museo Caraffa 100 Años. Notas desplegables" (2014), Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina.

Guía de Córdoba Cultural, Municipalidad de Córdoba, Argentina (1980 – 1983)

Diario La Voz del Interior



How to Cite

Basile, M. V. (2018). Culture refuge during authoritarian context of the last military argentina dictatorship. Goethe Institut in Córdoba. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (29), 125–151. Retrieved from


