Uprising lines, drawing in front of writing


  • Cynthia Ortega Salgado UAEMEX




The present text seeks to connect body, drawing and uprising –understood as active or passive resistance, able to build gestures, thoughts or actions that can face authoritarianism–. The role of art as resistance is reviewed, in terms of its ability and wit to construct an altered order different than the current one and drawing as a sensation embodied in front of writing. A drawing is not a text, it opens to a different logic where a body shows an incarnated thought and manifests its impotence through movement. Finally, it emphasizes the human right of disobeying from the body and the drawing as dissidence against what oppresses and enslaves us.


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How to Cite

Ortega Salgado, . C. . (2020). Uprising lines, drawing in front of writing. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (34), 205–237. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/cuadernoshistoarte/article/view/2897