Dibujos de extrañamiento.

Algunas técnicas operativo-imaginales en la pedagogía de Javier Seguí


  • Nuria Vallespín Toro Universidad de La Laguna




This article explores the techniques of estrangement in the field of pedagogy, through which Professor Javier Seguí de la Riva tries to awaken the interest of his students through a radical exploratory drawing. The text is part of an investigation that seeks to reflect to what extent the strangeness can be treated in the architectural conception, considering it in its double condition of being, on the one hand, a state provoked by the unexpected, by the surprise, by the rupture of the conventional, and on the other as an operative and provocative tool. We will try to illustrate some of their teaching proposals through the exercises proposed in the Department of Graphic Ideation, at the School of Architecture of Madrid, based on a peculiar way of proceeding, in order to enhance the imagination, escape from clichés, of the everyday, to try to understand and project architecture. From these reflections it is intended to reveal some mechanisms of generation and communication of the project through estrangement and distancing actions.


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How to Cite

Vallespín Toro, N. (2020). Dibujos de extrañamiento. : Algunas técnicas operativo-imaginales en la pedagogía de Javier Seguí. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (34), 163–203. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/cuadernoshistoarte/article/view/2905