Prácticas de cocreación con entidades bióticas.

Alcances y límites de un arte más allá de lo humano.


  • Magdalena Sofia Mastromarino untref




In recent years, various authors have realized what could be called a materialistic turn in philosophical and cultural studies. It is a return to matter that eludes any position of matter as passive and inert, to be thought in terms of its agency and organization capabilities. Starting from the task already initiated by posthumanism around the de-centering of the subject, different productions within technological art address the concept of co-authorship from the consideration of the material agency of biotic entities. Based on some cases within local techno poetics, this article analyzes the scope and consequences of this approach for aesthetic thought. The concept of co-creation also implies understanding that these productions are not modes of observation of the living, but hybridizations, dialogues, speculative incarnations, which do not occur between entities capable of agency, but in the agency itself.


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How to Cite

Mastromarino, M. S. (2022). Prácticas de cocreación con entidades bióticas. : Alcances y límites de un arte más allá de lo humano. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, 38(38), 81–111. Retrieved from