Everything hidden comes to light

The Jewish imaginary in the construction of stories about Harry Potter


  • Domingo Sola Antequera Universidad de La Laguna




J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Religion, Judaism


The studies carried out on the work of J.K. Rowling have delved into the different references used by the British writer in the literary saga about Harry Potter. In other works, we have focused on the constant references to Christianity, which showed the writer's close relationship with the stories of Tolkien or Lewis, authors of whom the British writer considers herself heir. All of this offers transversal readings of her work, of her creation of a mythical and performative cosmos. With this work we intend to go a step further, analyzing her stories’ hypertext showing Jewish traditions present both in the narration and in the design of characters. We will try to demonstrate how religion is formed in an element of cohesion and identity of her stories.


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How to Cite

Sola Antequera, D. (2023). Everything hidden comes to light: The Jewish imaginary in the construction of stories about Harry Potter. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, (41), 199–252. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.45.006