The pedagogical relation in the education practices


  • Elda Monetti Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina


pedagogical relation, teacher education, profession, practice, university


Professional education is one of the proper practices of the university teaching function. We define this education as a practice that is carried out in a space and time socially recognized by the transformations it produces in search of the constitution of a professional. This shared project makes possible the particular relationships ensemble of all the sayings(speeches), doings(activities and work) and relations (of power, of inclusion or exclusion, of connections) that identify as such. In this practices, teachers and students establish pedagogical relationships, meaning, interactions that are characterized by being mediated by professional knowledge that needs to be learned.

In this work we seek, first of all, to characterize the pedagogical relationship, starting from the presentation of three recurring forms that we have conceptualized in our research and advisory work, namely: relationships of imposition – resistance, professionalization and accompaniment. Secondly, from a comprehensive point of view, we intend to outline some aspects that enable us to reflect on the pedagogical relationship in the university education. Thus, the senses granted to the education for the profession, the authority and the possibility of authorizing the other, together with the construction with the other are the features that insistently emerge from the presented cases.


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How to Cite

Monetti, E. (2021). The pedagogical relation in the education practices. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(1), 48–74. Retrieved from