English language and collaborative learning in a virtual classroom


  • Loana Lombardozzi Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina


virtual classroom, collaborative learning, English II, communicative approach, interaction


The English II subject of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Sciences (Distance Education orientation) is proposed as a space for learning the English language for specific purposes.
The specificity is related to the expressions and vocabulary that appear in virtual environments to satisfy the needs of the students of the Distance Education Degree to understand the communication that predominates in e-learning environments.
From a communicative approach to language teaching, a series of collaborative activities in different spaces such as glossary, wiki and forums in views are proposed in the English II virtual classroom, from its creation in 2011 until its last cycle in 2020 to generate interactions and collaborative construction of knowledge about the English language.
However, not everything that is generated there is collaborative, despite the interactions of the participants and the mediation of the virtual tutor.
We ask ourselves in this text about this type of learning in relation to the processes of teaching a foreign language, what are its characteristics and nature and if it is related to the communicative approach to language teaching.


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How to Cite

Lombardozzi, L. (2021). English language and collaborative learning in a virtual classroom. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(1), 134–163. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/encuentroE/article/view/4949