The configuration of our teaching work in pandemic times.

An experience of Participatory Action Research in the Province of Misiones


  • Alicia Mónica Oudin Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
  • Sonia Marcela Szilak m Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
  • Eduardo Julián Medeiro m Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
  • Ariana Magalí Radovic m Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
  • Mirtha Ganduglia m Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
  • Ivana Alejandra Mahiquez m Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Misiones.


Participatory Action Research, Teachers' work, Awareness, Working conditions, ASPO


The experience we share is part of the Research Project: Misiones: Educational Research and Networking. Action, Reflection, Action, at the FCEQyN, UNaM. This
Project leads to participative experiences construction and democratic and horizontal bonds among the educational agents involved. Therefore, the Participatory Action Research strategy of knowledge production was adopted
consequently revising our own activity as educators in context. Through a critical pedagogical approach, progress was made in the 'process of enlightenment' or 'self-training' (Carr and Kemmis, 1988) of the educators involved. 

As a work team, in March 2020 we found ourselves in a context of Preventive and Compulsory Social Isolation (ASPO, Spanish Acronym), which led us to rethink our
practices as researchers. So, we asked ourselves: How did we do Action Research under these circumstances? How did we conform ourselves as a research group? How did we build pedagogical knowledge in a virtual context? What constituted our work as educators at that moment of history?

In this process, we constructed PAR alternatives as we considered important to support ourselves as a research group, virtually. Consequently, we developed several strategies that implied: instances of questioning, analysis, reflection, writing, reading, systematization of situations and experiences about our teaching work. This method contributed to the development of a space of reflection and
analysis, research in and from our own practice in the context of ASPO.

Our aim is to communicate the hints of self-reflection that enhance collaborative processes. We have built social empowerment, which is not only limited to the
fight for better salary conditions but also the construction of other ways of thinking about action research possible. We believe that this can be a significant contribution to think about PAR in relation to the use of technologies and the new age we are facing as researchers and educators.


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How to Cite

Oudin, A. M., Szilak, S. M., Medeiro, E. J., Radovic, A. M., Ganduglia, M., & Mahiquez, I. A. (2021). The configuration of our teaching work in pandemic times. : An experience of Participatory Action Research in the Province of Misiones. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(2), 221–252. Retrieved from