The representations in the reflection of the practice of the students of the kindergarten education in the IES Nº7


  • Alejandra Laura García Instituto de Educación Superior N° 7, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe
  • Angélica Silvana Delgado .Instituto de Educación Superior N° 7, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fé
  • Juan David Águila Instituto de Educación Superior N° 7, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe
  • Norma Isabel Leone Instituto de Educación Superior N° 7, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe.
  • Silvana Lorena Freyre Instituto de Educación Superior N° 7, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe.


workshop, reflection, social representations, teaching practice, teacher education


The purpose of this communication is to present the contributions of an empirical study framed in an announcement of the INFD, about the education of the kindergarten teacher. It analyzes students of the “Residence Workshop of Practice IV”, the way in which they have constructed representations in their trajectory of education, about their instance of reflection, in association to the understanding of the relationship between theory and practice. But also how, from the teacher's interventions, taking into account the production of learning from reflective rationality, the SRs are affected and deconstructed, allowing its interrogation, re-elaboration, and changes in the group. We made the research within a reflexive hermeneutical perspective, and the contributions of qualitative and quantitative methods: observations, structured interviews, and surveys to students of the “Residence Workshop of Practice IV”.


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How to Cite

García, A. L., Delgado, A. S., Águila, J. D., Leone, N. I., & Freyre, S. L. (2022). The representations in the reflection of the practice of the students of the kindergarten education in the IES Nº7. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 3(1), 38–58. Retrieved from


